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Grad 2024 Calendar of Events

December 15 - Buddy Photos

TBA – Grad Photo Re-Takes

February 10 – Pub Night / Fundraising Event
May 16 - Graduation Mass @OLM - Reception to follow
May 27 – Senior Formal

June 12 - Grad Farewell Assembly @STMC

June 20 - Grad Breakfast @STMC

June 21 - Graduation Ceremonies @Massey Theatre

June 29 - Grad Dinner & Dance @Westin Bayshore

June 29-30 - Dry Grad @ Scotia Barn

We have an exciting year ahead creating memories and marking momentous occasions for our 2024 grads. We have a volunteer group of parents coordinated as the Grad Committee led by our two co-chairs Nancy & Shannon. Our aim as a committee is to organize various grad events throughout the year, effectively communicate to our grad parents of these special events and foster a fun environment for all.

We’ll be able to stay connected and keep you up to date with grad events for this year with the following modes of communication listed below:

• Parents Association Social Media Accounts on Facebook and Instagram
• What’s App Group Message: please send an email for link to group chat

• Email:

We look forward to an exciting fun filled year for the grads! Please feel free to reach out to us with any questions.


Grad Committee:

Nancy Custodio - Chairperson

Natalie Castro - Faculty Chairperson

Student Representatives - Elena C, Gabriela C, Victoria D, Caidyn M, Abigail R, Ava S

©2024 by STMCPA. 

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