Dec 4, 2024
A Festive Guide to STMC’s December Highlights and Community Spirit
What to watch out for in this issue of The Scoop;
December 2024. Highlights include:
Christmas Activities:
"Deck-orating for Christmas" and "Christmas Music Knight" events.
The return of the Knights Christmas Market (KCM), featuring student showcases, bake sales, and sponsor acknowledgments.
Charitable Drives:
An annual toy drive organized by the Blessed Edmund Rice Team, including a pancake breakfast for donors.
Support for the 12th Ave Elementary Breakfast Program.
Uniform Sales:
Details on upcoming used uniform sales and donation opportunities.
PA Fund Contributions:
Funding allocations for various student activities, including music program bus support, recovery equipment for athletes, and club resources like chess and textile materials.
Faith and Community Events:
The STMC Faith Sharing Club invites participation from alumni, parents, and community members, offering meetings and prayer sessions.
Key Dates:
A calendar of events, such as open houses, the Christmas spirit week, and Christmas break schedule.
Miscellaneous Updates:
The launch of a winter dress code store and other administrative information.